-Submitted by KYSA
The Kamloops Youth Soccer Association (KYSA) has announced the dates and location of its 2016 Summer Soccer Schools.
The first week, running from August 8-12, is open to boys and girls of all skill levels in the U5 to U13 age groups and is scheduled for 9:00am to Noon.
From August 15-19, the association is offering its annual high performance soccer school with instructors from Stoke City FC of the English Premier League. The camp for girls only in the U10 to U17 age groups is set to run from 9:00am to 11:00am. The camp for boys only in the U10 to U17 age groups is scheduled for 1:00pm to 3:00pm. There will also be specialized goalkeeper training as part of each school.
The third week, running from 9:00am to Noon, August 22-26, is open to boys and girls of all skill levels in the U5 to U13 age groups and also gives players an option to add a hockey skills camp in the afternoon for 5 to 12 year olds from 1:15pm to 2:30pm .
The fourth and last Soccer School of the summer will take place from August 29-September 2. During this week there is a general camp for boys and girls U5 to U13 plus an advanced goalkeeper camp for players in U9 to U14 as well as an advanced striker camp for high performing players from U10 to U14. The general and advance goalkeeper camp and the advanced striker camp will run from 9:00am to Noon.
All KYSA Soccer Schools are being held on Field #2 at McArthur Island.
The registration fee for all KYSA Soccer Schools is $95.00 per player except for the High Performance Camp featuring the coaches from England which is $170.00 per player. Family discounts are available.
The registration fee for the combined soccer and hockey school (August 22-26) is $220 per player. Anyone wishing to register for the combined camp must do so through the Kamloops Minor Hockey Association.
The title sponsor of the KYSA Summer Soccer School Program is Hansport––The Soccer Specialists. Associate sponsors are Umbro Canada, The River and Radio NL, Kamloops This Week and Sure Print and Copy Centre.
Date: Times: Ages:
Aug. 8-12 9:00am–Noon Boys & Girls ~ U5 to U13
Aug. 15-19 9:00am–11:00am *High Performance ~ Girls U10 to U17
Aug. 15-19 9:00am–11:00am *Goalkeepers ~ Girls U10 to U17
Aug. 15-19 1:00pm–3:00pm *High Performance ~ Boys U10 to U17
Aug. 15-19 1:00pm–3:00pm *Goalkeepers ~ Boys U10 to U17
Aug. 22-26*** 9:00am–Noon Boys & Girls ~ U5 to U13
Aug. 29-Sept. 2 9:00am –Noon Boys & Girls ~ U5 to U13
Aug. 29-Sept. 2 9:00am–Noon Boys & Girls House & Select Players ~ U9 to U14
Aug. 29-Sept. 2 9:00am–Noon High Performing Players ~ U10 to U14