-submitted by KYSA

KAMLOOPS, BC –– The Kamloops Youth Soccer Association (KYSA) will play host to the 2018 Girls Provincial B Cup from July 5-8 at McArthur Island.

The tournament will involve 48 teams from around the province, most of which qualified through the eight regions BC Soccer follows for provincial competitions.

Teams in the U13 to U18 age groups will be testing their skills against each other over the first three days of the tournament, mostly in a round-robin format. The exception being the U13 division, which has nine teams. Finals and consolation round games will take place on Sunday.

The KYSA has seven teams competing in five of the six divisions: two select teams in the U13 and U14 age groups and one team in the U15, U16 and U-18 divisions.

Game times on Thursday and Friday are 12 noon, 3:00pm and 6:00pm. Games kick-off on Saturday at 10:00am, 1:00pm and 4:00pm. Finals and consolation games go Sunday. All matches will be played on eight fields at McArthur Island. There is one game this evening (Wednesday) in the U13 Division matching Kamloops against Shuswap on McArthur Island Field #2 starting at 5:30pm.

Meanwhile four KYSA boys select teams will take part in the Les Sinnott Memorial Provincial Cup (formerly called the Boys Provincial B Cup) at Burnaby Lake West, also from Thursday through Sunday. Two teams have qualified in the U13 boys division, one team in the U15 and one team in the U18 age group.

Schedules and daily results from the 2018 Girls Provincial B Cup and the Les Sinnott Memorial Provincial Cup can be found at

Posted in BC Provincial Cup, BC Soccer Central, BC Soccer News, BC Youth Soccer, British Columbia Soccer.