BC Soccer Adult Provincial Championships May 14 and 15 at Westhills Stadium Langford

-Submitted by the BC Soccer Assoc.

14 teams will battle it out on Saturday and Sunday to become BC Soccer Provincial Cup Champions with Special Olympics British Columbia soccer teams taking the pitch for a showcase match on Saturday

Vancouver BC, May 11, 2016 – The BC Soccer Adult Provincial Championship Finals takes place this coming weekend as 14 teams and two Special Olympic teams take to the pitch at Westhills Stadium and Goudy Field in Langford.  The four Men’s Provincial Championship matches and the Special Olympics’ showcase match will begin the weekend of play on Saturday with three Women’s finals taking place on Sunday.

“This weekend’s matches are what these teams have trained for all season long so there are sure to be some incredible matches,” said Rob Brown, VP Adult and Chair of BC Soccer’s Adult Competitions Committee. “I want to congratulate all of the players and coaches on making it this far in the Adult Provincial Championships and I wish all of the teams good luck on Saturday and Sunday.”

All of the BC Soccer Adult Provincial Championship matches and the Special Olympics Showcase match will be live streamed by ViaSport and will be available on the BC Soccer Adult Provincial Championship page at: http://adultprovincials.bcsoccer.net/.

The two Special Olympics’ soccer teams will be the first to take the field on Saturday with kickoff beginning at 10:00 A.M. on Goudy Turf.  Following the Special Olympics match are the Men’s Provincial Championships:

Saturday May 14th

  • At 10:30 A.M. On Westhills Stadium the Keith Millar Cup (Men’s B) will feature Rhino’s Fury VS Campo Atletico
  • At 12:00 P.M. on Goudy Turf the Doug Day Cup (Men’s U21) will feature EDC Burnaby VS Guildford FC
  • At 1:00 P.M. on Westhills Stadium the Deryl Hughes Cup (Men’s 35+) will feature Croatia FC VS Metro Ford PCE
  • At 3:30 P.M. The Men’s A Cup on Westhills Stadium will feature Pegasus FC VS Metro Ford Wolves

The Women’s Provincial Championships kickoff on Sunday with matches beginning at 10:30 A.M. All of the Women’s matches will be held at Westhills Stadium in Langford.

Sunday May 15

  • At 10:30 A.M. The Leeta Sokalski Cup (Women’s B Cup) will feature North Shore Girls Hearts VS Dasmesh United FC
  • At 1:00 P.M. The Women’s Classic Provincial Cup (Women’s 30+) will feature Coquitlam Metro Ford SC VS Coastal FC Supra
  • At 3:30 P.M. The Women’s A Cup will feature Richmond FC VS NSGSC Renegades

For more information on the provincial Championships and for a full schedule please visit: http://adultprovincials.bcsoccer.net/

About the BC Soccer Association

BC Soccer Assoc. is the provincial sport governing body with the mission to govern, promote and develop the game of soccer in British Columbia in a professional and progressive manner. Established in 1907, BC Soccer Assoc. is the largest provincial sport organization (PSO) in BC and the third largest soccer specific PSO in Canada with over 150,000 participants.  As a professional not-for-profit society and a member of the Canada Soccer Association, BC Soccer Assoc. is committed to providing the widest opportunities for existing and potential participants, as well as provide support in the most effective and appropriate way for current players, parents, volunteers, member clubs, leagues and districts.

BC Soccer Assoc. is comprised of more than 120,000 registered players, over 2,200 registered referees, and thousands of volunteer coaches, administrators and soccer leaders. Working with its 40 member Youth Districts and 11 Adult Leagues as well as their affiliate member clubs, BC Soccer Assoc. operates under the guiding principles of Professional Leadership, Passionate Service and Progressive Collaboration. In managing its relationships throughout the larger soccer community, BC Soccer Association’s vision is to ensure every British Columbian has the opportunity to be involved in soccer as part of a lifelong commitment to active, health and involved lifestyle.


Posted in BC Soccer News.